The Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) of Mary Immaculate College, which was established in 1986, is a nationally recognised centre of excellence in terms of curricular design and innovation. It promotes high standards in teaching and learning by undertaking research into the curriculum and methodology of the primary school, early childhood care and education and post-primary education.

Research informs the development of resource materials that are embedded in the latest thinking and ideas about education.
The projects which are conducted under the auspices of the CDU are of three principal types:
- The design and implementation of curricular programmes in areas which do not form part of the standard curriculum.
- The development of resource materials, which will support teachers and other professionals in implementing all aspects of the curriculum.
- The design, delivery and evaluation of data-informed interventions and initiatives to improve outcomes for children across the educational continuum.
The CDU's educational resources address areas such as literacy, numeracy, special educational needs, social, personal and health education, early childhood education, Gaeilge, science education, development education, inclusive practice, physical education, visual arts and digital technologies. Information about intervention and research projects undertaken and delivered by the CDU is also available on this website.
“The Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) is an innovative and creative seedbed for cutting-edge ideas and interventions in education. Our vision places the child at the centre of everything we do. Our priority is to improve outcomes and enrich learning opportunities for all children.”